Mechanism and Machine Science

Homepage of Antonius J. Klein Breteler, the oeuvre resulting from my work at TU Delft, Netherlands

Follow one of the links below Explanation


Mechanism models, 
collection at TU Delft

Photographs, films, descriptions

Model of a hole-punching machine,
intended for drainage of sports fields

Remark: The white boards and the coloured parts are made of perspex

Computer program Runmec 

Visual motion study of Planar mechanisms.
example: harbour crane model 

Use the fully graphic-interactive mechanism editor to create animations on screen.
No expert knowledge of mechanisms required, just use your intuition!

Free download of the program, tutorial and demo examples

Runmec release 6.2 now available  (June 27, 2024)

NEW: project files of many mechanisms of the TUDelft collection available


Mechanism and Machine Science, 
Four-language online dictionary

(English, French, German, Russian

VDI - Guidelines

Supporting material (Excel - sheets) for
VDI-2123 available, English & German version

(Design of a four-bar linkage with optimal transfer quality)

About Me and Bibliography

Most publications (in English) can be downloaded as .pdf
Last update: July 1, 2024. Remarks and suggestions: